Fork It Over – as told by a 5th grader

You know what is awesome about homeschooling a kid? She can volunteer with me and then I can assign her to write a blog post. Getting a child to do my work for me. Brilliant, right?

Without further ado, I give you…

Fork It Over
by a 5th Grader

Fork it over is very easy and fun. All you do is have a volunteer badge* and walk and drive from place to place. After you have a badge, you drive to a school. Then you go to the cafeteria and pick up food. After that you go to the other schools. You do the same thing.

Finally, you get to the pantry. It is a smallish space. You put your food on the counter. Then you go home.

Fork It Over is very important because you are delivering food that would otherwise be thrown away. It is given to those who need it. Because the cafeterias are too crowded.

I would recommend this to other kids. First of all, it is very quick. Second, you know you are helping people in need.

Mom’s footnote:
*To help with Beaverton School District’s Fork It Over, you need to be a registered volunteer.

Our friend, Linda, who runs the Hope Food Pantry is looking for volunteers and ideas to help food pantry families contribute to the bank and also sustain a small garden for themselves. If you have time or money to donate to this project, please contact me and I will pass on Linda’s information.

Read here for more Fork It Over stories:
Fork It Over
Fork It Over with a Friend
Fork It Over with Family

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