Our 3 day weekend now over, how many of us spent Monday remembering those who have perished in war?
As a family, we talked about those who’d lost their lives for our country. We’d even planned on going to a service at a local Veteran’s Memorial park, but other plans and sick kids took priority. Instead, I pulled weeds, washed linens, and supported Edd, who spent the day painting Emma’s room, from the sidelines.
I wonder, would I have behaved differently if I knew someone who lost his or her life in battle? Would it have been more of a personal mourning time rather than an abstract idea of what some may be experiencing?
Hopping on social media periodically, I bristled every time I read the greeting, “Happy Memorial Day!” Really? What are we happy about, the sales at the mall? Free financing for a new TV? Camping at the lake?
Here’s why you didn’t read that sentiment from me:
1. War sucks. The only people happy about war are those monetarily profiting from it.
2. People died, usually because they were shot or blown up. Loosing a loved one from natural causes is difficult enough, but mentally debating the necessity of a war death has to put those left behind in a state of depression.
3. We are divided. We’ve been divided since the first holiday remembering fallen soldiers – The Civil War. Each war since has had supporters and protesters. There is no reason to be happy when someone else suffers.
I thank each and every soldier who fights on behalf of my freedom. I pray for troops – everywhere. Jesus told me to do so, and I can’t believe he is happy anytime one of God’s children takes the life of another.
Maybe, in addition to remembering the soldiers who are gone, we could make an effort to help those who fought and survived as well. David J Morris, author of The Evil Hours, wrote about soldiers who’ve returned to the states with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Life for our troops cannot be the same after the war as it was before. While not everyone has PTSD, those who do need support from those of us at home.
In March, David Morris talked with me about the book as well as his own war experiences. Take some time to listen to his words here. Let’s make a concentrated effort to remember not only those who are gone, but also those who are still breathing, yet feel dead inside.
To those who have lost loved ones in battle, my heart is with you in honor and prayer.
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