This experiment gets easier. I don’t have the dreading, nervous, pit in my stomach every time I enter a place foreign to me. In fact, the feeling is quite the opposite. On the morning of a planned activity, I find myself waking excited to be focused on doing some good in the world. Or, more accurately, some good in the community.
Last weekend I went to The Justice Conference here in Portland. In the blogging world, I’m about 3 days late on the reporting of it. I want to share my experience with all of you – but how can I do it and reflect the impact it had on me? I could write an entire book with all of the information weighing on my brain. But I fear that would bore you, my friends.
So instead, for the next few days, I’d like to share bits and pieces of how I’ve been affected by the 48 hours I spent hearing about the injustice in the world, in the community, and in my neighborhood. I can’t promise any sort of cohesion to my thoughts, but I do hope to explore my own role in helping the earth to be a peaceful place to live.
As I post about the conference , I encourage you to respond with your thoughts regarding what I’ve learned from the various speakers and seminars. Maybe you’ll agree or maybe you’ll think I’m way off base…either way it would be great to get a discussion going.
And speaking of comments…
Remember that “comment give-away” that I mentioned in my January reflection? As the record stands, I will be donating 10 diapers to Northwest Children’s Outreach. But, you know, that’s not even a whole pack. So here’s another chance….
Today is our “extra day” in February. If you want a diaper donated in your name, shoot me a comment on this blog entry. It doesn’t have to be profound – just let me know you’re out there, if for no other reason then to cover baby bottoms in the Beaverton/Hillsboro area. You can even write anonymously. I don’t mind criticism, just be kind.
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How cool would it be to put ” Nature of a Servant Readers” on that wall? |
Here is a thought I’m pondering today:
I’m watching snowflakes fall on the trees. I have my latte mug filled and a fire going that I started with the flip of a switch. The furnace runs to keep the house at 67 degrees and I’m wrapped up in my comfy chair with a blanket.
In my comfort, I’m wondering how many senior citizens are sitting on their couches freezing because they can’t afford to turn on the heat. Are they looking forward to that lunchtime meal delivery just to hear a friendly “hello”?
Where are the teenage couch-surfers today? Did they make it to school and get a warm meal in the cafeteria? Did they even find a friend’s sofa to sleep on last night?
How many low-income/no-income families will go without food today because they don’t know about places like the Hope Food Pantry? If any of you know of a family that could use a pantry’s services, I happen to know that Hope has crates of spaghetti, mac and cheese, and enough Saltines to keep a kid happy for weeks.
Yesterday, my husband sent me this snippet from his daily Bible study. Reflect on this quote from pastor and author Rick Warren:
“One day God will compare how much time and energy we spent on ourselves compared with what we invested in serving others. At that point, all our excuses for self-centeredness will sound hollow: ‘I was too busy’ or ‘I had my own goals’ or ‘I was preoccupied with working, having fun, or preparing for retirement.’ To all excuses God will respond, ‘Sorry, wrong answer. I created, saved, and called you and commanded you to live a life of service. What part did you not understand?’”
It has been so inspiring to read about your experiences! Plus, I'm getting so much information. I never know what to do with all the barely used toys/gear/clothes my spoiled children are outgrowing. Now I know who can best benefit from all the books and stuff we have. Children's book bank and Northwest Children's Outreach, here they come. Thank you!
Thanks for commenting, Jen! I know both the Book Bank and NCO would benefit greatly from your extra "stuff".
To my fearless co-leader…I'm sitting in the chair at the hair dresser's while the color sets on my hair. Thought I'd take this time to read your blog rather than flip through People Magazine. Good choice. Your words inspire me and remind me that there is hunger and hurt in the world out there. Thanks for sharing your experiences and teaching us about the myriad opportunities to help. I think it would be great to spend 10 minutes of our meeting tomorrow sharing some of your recent adventures – thoughts? More later – time to rinse. B out.