Do 3 Little Activities Equal 1 Regular Activity? – Week 44

If you’ve read my last post, you know that I have little enthusiasm to help others right now. Usually I have my volunteer outings planned for the month, but this week I’ve been sad, overwhelmed, and completely unmotivated.
As I sit to post today, I’m thinking that maybe serving the less fortunate doesn’t have to be a big production every time. Here are 3 little things I’ve managed to accomplish this week – even in my lack of determination and inspiration.
Thing 1: 

Edd took his car to be serviced on Thursday and spent the morning at a Starbucks down the street from the car dealership. He had just ordered a sandwich and a bottle of water when I arrived to pick him up at noon. We walked out to my car and he told me he overheard the baristas chatting about the homeless population that hung out around the strip mall.
“Yeah, like that guy,” I told my husband, “I see him in that same spot every time I’m here.”
I looked down at Edd’s lunch. “You think he’d like a sandwich and a bottle of water?”
And just like that the homeless guy had lunch. 
(Ok, to be accurate, it wasn’t my sandwich and Edd gave it to the guy, but it was my idea. That counts right?)
Thing 2:

World Vision sent an email requesting financial help for East Coast hurricane victims. I donated. 
Thing 3:

I cleaned out my closet. I will take my donated warm clothes and drop them off at Kaleo/Summit View tomorrow afternoon. All donations will clothe those in poverty for NCompass’ 4th Annual Christmas Festival for the Homeless.

I want to see you on Sunday! Bring your stuff!
That’s about it. I need to gear up for the next couple of weeks when I do have some bigger volunteer projects. For this week, though, I pray that God will take my small efforts and turn them into bigger blessings for others.


  1. says

    Argh! I thought my reply from my phone went through. But if I remember it, I wrote:

    The fact that you're sharing your experiences through this blog and talking about social issues (like homelessness) with your friends and having been responsible (even in part) with an action being taken, it's definitely a good thing. Keep it up!

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