It’s Holy Week. A time we reflect on Majesty. On Death. On Resurrection. On Jesus.
So it may surprise you that my motivator this week comes from Cracked.Com. Not normally the holiest of all websites, but last week an article posted about a man who lived with a true nature of a servant. And though this man was a minister, he didn’t spend his time preaching the Gospel in front of an altar. His pulpit resided in our television sets.
This disciple taught about being a good neighbor. About being happy we are alive. About liking others just the way they are. For, Brendan McGinley shared 5 Moments that Prove Mr. Rogers was the Greatest American.
Really, can anyone argue this fact? And if you think you can, please read McGinley’s message. If you don’t have time to view all video clips, make sure you watch those under the #1 moment: He Understood the True Meaning of Religion. If the clip with Jeff Erlanger doesn’t bring tears to your eyes, you don’t have a heart.
Oh Andee, you got it just right – again.