Like 98% of middle school girls in this country, I struggled with identity. While more of my peers came into their own during high school, I popped around from clique to clique.
In college, I believed the distance from home and not knowing a soul on campus would allow me to write my own story. And it should have. But I fell back into the same patterns. The framework stuck in my 20’s, changing my tune depending on the man I wanted to impress. After marriage, I strived to be the wife I perceived Edd wanted – all while still trying to discover who I really am. (Note to Newlyweds: Never perceive. Always ask directly. Open communication will save you tons of heartbreak.)
Parenthood? Forget it. I will just never be the mom any published book says I should be.
Lately it’s the internet, of all places, where I finally find permission to be me. Yes, people whine about Facebook fakeness or the impossible expectations of Pinterest. That stuff rolls off my back.
I’m finding my encouragement in the blogging world.
Reading a blog is different than reading a book or magazine article. The edits are quick and there aren’t a ton of re-writes. The frequentness of posts allows the author’s vulnerability to come forward. Through others’ openness, I’m beginning to realize there are more in this world like me. Conversely, there is no one like me. And that gives me permission to just be…well, me.
Here are links to a sampling of blogs bringing inspiration to my days:
A Deeper Story
Ordinary Courage
Natalie Trust
Simple Mom
Jen Hatmaker
Celebrating Life
Zen Habits
I began my blog reading journey on Google Reader, but their imminent departure forced me elsewhere. I use Bloglovin’ as my go-to site now and I haven’t been disappointed. I’d like to take a look at Feedly, too. Any others I should know about?
What blogs bring you clarity, knowledge, or at least a good laugh? Share in the comment section so we can all benefit from new inspiration.
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I love the title of this post. I've been thinking a lot about what I've learned in the past few months since I began blogging. Permission to agree or disagree with ideas, validation for what others are working through and the joys in their life- blogging can be another way to simply 'be' as you say. Thanks for this.