Sharing the good news because there is too much bad.
Sharing a Moment:
Emma turned 15 this week. We spent the first part of the day shopping at the mall. She surpassed me in height a while ago. I wonder how much further she’ll go.
Sharing Stories:
6 Ideas From Creative Thinkers to Shake Up Your Work Routine – TED blog
I’m into the TED talks. Here is a playlist for you to explore your creativity.
An Example of ADHD
We have this in our family. If you don’t understand ADHD, this is it. The End.
The Last Living People Born in the 1800s
5 of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen.
These Boys Were Asked To Slap a Girl
My husband showed this to me. We were both so touched. Beautiful.
Don’t Wait. Just Do It.
I needed motivation.
Sharing A Ted Talk:
I have been feeling sorry for myself a little lately. Nothing like a pity party for one. But Phil Hanson is changing my perception. It just so happens I have a shake going on, too. Now, if only I could produce art like this guy…
Praying for peace to be with all of you in the upcoming week!
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Thanks, good shares this week.
I had a daughter with a birthday this week also with time at the mall. She too has passed me up in height. What a blessing to spend time with our children.
My daughter turned 14 in December and she passed me up a while ago… but then again, that's not too hard to do since I'm barely 5 ft. tall. Thanks for all the shares! I especially like reading the one about the women born in the 1880's. WOW!
All my younger siblings have passed me in height. I still think of them as babies though. Thanks for sharing the TedTalk!
Thanks for stopping by, Haralee!
What a blessing they still want to spend time with us! 🙂
Aren't those women just beautiful? Oh, what I would give to have a conversation with one of them.
Isn't that a great talk? I love how he embraces the limitations. If only I can figure that one out.