You may remember me writing about my best friend, Al.
“Best friend” isn’t the right word. “Brother” is closer. To look at him, you can tell we’re not related. However, my parents may like him better than me, so whatever label you give that – that’s Al.
Al recently gave a Pikachu speech.
Ok – I know that’s not the right name. But life would be MUCH cooler if it were.
Al spoke for ACPA (American College Personnel Association) in Tampa. He brings up the atrocities of sexism in comics. And, since our family will be going to San Diego Comic Con with Al in July, I’m especially grateful for his protests on behalf of my two teenaged daughters.
A while ago, Al told us about The Hawkeye Initiative. We love this idea of artists drawing pictures of Hawkeye (Marvel, not MASH) in the same cover poses as female counterparts. It parallels the idea men shouldn’t say anything to women they wouldn’t say to another man. (I’m looking at you, Joe Biden.)
Watch my friend’s PechaKucha video speech. (See? I told you I knew the name.) Then tell me how smart he is. Then tell me how he must be this brilliant because of my influence.
What? It’s true!
Those of us who have privilege thrust upon us that we don’t deserve have a responsibility to use that privilege on behalf of folks who don’t have it. -Alfred Day
Now I’m thinking of Alan Alda posing sexily on a rooftop . . .