News media likes to show the sad. Here’s some of the good I found this week.
Sharing a Moment:
Edd and I spent 3 days together talking about nothing but us; not the kids, not the jobs, not the house…just us. We should have done this 10 years ago.
Sharing Stories:
Roots Remake: I was just thinking I wanted to find a time for the girls to watch Roots. Usually, I’m not a fan of remakes. This time, I bet it will only be more rich and even more accurate. “Like Kunta Kinte fought to tell his story over and over again, so must we.”
Obama’s Anger Translator: Ok, if you’re not a fan of the President you don’t have to watch. But I LOLed for real at this one.
The Vastness of Space: I love how this puts everything in perspective. I also love how some people are so sure we are the only planet with life on it. I don’t think we’ll figure it out in my lifetime.
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Thanks for the share, Andee. Snap is such good stuff, isn't it?
Well said, Andee. I had a hard time reading this week that a friend's church had opened their invitation to the Navy Seal guy who came out as a Christian. Let him talk about his book and everything.
So I went to Matthew where I've been reading lately and noticed in Chapter 9 I think that after Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount He took a boat, healed a bunch of people, called Matthew and then sat down and ate dinner with prostitutes and tax collectors. Yep. That's who He was with.
How are people ever going to know the love of Christ if we don't extend an invitation and accept them? (I'm preaching to myself here…) thanks for this.