When our pastor asks me to take speaking duties for a Sunday, I get so excited. I love the research and study put into each sermon. Coming up with personal stories relating to scripture is easy for me. Last Sunday, however, was a bit different. The text to cover was Acts … [Read more...]
We’d Crucify Jesus

Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons Madison If a man came to America claiming to heal in the name of God, we’d call him a shyster. Or a tele-evangelist. If a man came to America challenging ideals and values we’ve clung to for decades, FOXNews Pharisees would fill … [Read more...]
Not about the lights, but about the Light

When we bought our house less than 2 years ago I thought, At last! We finally have a house where we can outline the roof, doors, and windows with white lights at Christmas! My favorite holiday decorations are outside lights. Something about the glow in the night lights … [Read more...]
Searching for the Holiday Spirit in Advent

I remember the first year Christmas didn’t meet my expectations. I was a sophomore in high school and my parents had sold our home and bought another one a few miles down the road. However, because we hadn’t closed on the new house on the day we moved out of our old home, we were … [Read more...]
Killing Jesus: In the Mind of Teens

My girls are stumbling around the house in a knocked out daze. Twice today they met Jesus, sang with Jesus, loved with Jesus, and killed Jesus - all in front of 350 school kids. Today the cast of Journey Theater Arts Group's Godspell, Jr. performed "school day shows", a chance … [Read more...]